Derivation of the Back Propagation Update Rule

skip to example C++ code


A multilayer perceptron is a simple, artificial neural network. It bears little resemblance to biological neuronal networks, but has a surprising computational capacity. The multilayer perceptron is differentiated from the original perceptron in that it includes one or more “hidden” layers of neurons. A simple example looks like this:





When the current state of the inputs is sent to the hidden layer, each hidden neuron computes a weighted sum of the entire input set. Then, based on a function of this weighted sum, the hidden neurons determine their current state. Then the output neuron computes a weighted sum of the states of the hidden neurons and determines the net output of the network by a function of the weighted sum.


When the network learns with a supervised learning algorithm like backpropagation, this output is then compared to the desired output (provided by the supervision, which gives a desired output for a given input). The difference between the two is calculated, and then this error is used to change the weights in the network in a way such that the error is minimized.


In practice, the square of the error is minimized. Additionally, the learning is throttled by a learning rate. This is for several reasons, but a key one is so that the network can be influenced by several different input patterns, not just the most recent one. If learning is not throttled, then the network loses the ability to minimize the error for many different input patterns and can only minimize the error on the most recently presented input pattern. Also note that this backpropagation algorithm only searches for a local minimum of E2, not a global minimum.



network output = the state of the output neuron(s)

required output = the desired output state defined by the supervision, fixed for a given input pattern

input pattern = the state for the input neuron(s)

network output – required output = E = error





E2 = squared error

Ai = the state of the ith A neuron

WiB = the weight of the ith neuron to neuron B

IB = the weighted sum of all inputs to neuron B

Bi = the state of the ith B neuron

fB() = the activation function of neuron B, as a function of net input

η = the learning rate, it can range anywhere between 0 and 1, but is typically much less than 1


Loose analogies to biological neuronal networks

Calling the individual mathematical elements in the network “neurons” is convenient, though they share only a few abstract features with biological neurons. To press the analogy to its limit, here are some other loose analogies to biological neuronal networks.

Ai = voltage of the ith A neuron which is presynaptic to the B neurons

Bi = voltage of the ith B neuron which is postsynaptic to the A neurons

WiB = the strength of the synapse from the ith A neuron to the B neuron

IB = net synaptic current into a neuron B

fB() = the voltage response of the B neuron, as a function of net input current




Neuron A may be an input neuron or hidden layer neuron, but it is not the output neuron.

Neuron B may be an output neuron or a hidden layer neuron, but it is not the input neuron.



The state of each input neuron is determined by the input pattern. After the input layer, the state of each neuron in the network is determined as described above. Specifically, the state of neuron B is a function of the weighted sum of its inputs from the A layer.







The function fB can take many different forms. Some typical examples are:


Linear: fB(x) = x

Hyperbolic tangent: fB(x) = tanh(x)

Logisitic: fB(x) = (1+e-x)-1


The hyperbolic tangent activation function looks like this:



After the output of the network (the state of the output neuron) is computed, is compared with the required output from the supervisor and the difference between the two values is squared to yield E2. In order to minimize this error, the weights in the network are each changed based on the partial derivative of the E2 with respect to the weight being changed.




When the partial derivative term is negative, then the E2 function has a locally negative slope. In that case E2 is decreasing as WiB increases, so WiB grows to minimize E2. Similarly, when the partial derivative is positive, WiB decreases to minimize E2.




Now, to calculate that partial derivative for a particular WiB, call it WaB, where a=1, 2, or 3, the chain rule is used.




and the last partial derivative in that equation can be simplified like this



since only one term in IB is a function of WaB.


Substituting (4) and (5) into (3),




This is the update rule. Most of the symbols on the right side are either picked a priori (η) or are kept track of automatically (WIB,old,Aa). However, the remaining partial derivative needs to be expressed in different terms. In order to do this, we will separately consider two possible cases:


1) Neuron B is in the output layer.

2) Neuron B is in the hidden layer.


In case 1, neuron B is an output neuron. Call its state B0. The network output in this network, which has a single output neuron, is defined as the state of that single output neuron. Therefore we can greatly simplify the update rule.




Now the partial can be written as




Since the required output has no dependency on IB. Notice that this last partial is simply the first derivative of the activation function of neuron B. Therefore,




And the update rule becomes





In case 2, neuron B is in the hidden layer. Then the partial derivative can be expanded in terms of IO, the weighted sum of inputs into the output neuron.




But note,




Additionally, when IO, the input into the output neuron, is expanded into the sum of inputs from the hidden layer, this relationship is obtained:




where j counts all the neurons in the hidden layer, in this case layer B, and WjO is the weight between the jth hidden layer neuron and the output neuron. This can be further expanded and then simplified,




since most of the terms have no dependency on Bi. So then (11), using (12) and (14), can be rewritten:






To summarize, for a neural network with one layer of hidden neurons between the input layer and the output layer, the weight update rule for a connection from neuron A to neuron B is:






                     if neuron B is the output neuron             (17)


            if neuron B is a hidden neuron               (18)


where fO and fh are the activation functions of the output layer and the hidden layer, respectively. Note that often the factor of 2 in (17) is absorbed into the learning rate, η.



Example with C++ source code


An example is shown at The single example is shown in MATLAB, C, Fortran 90, PHP, and other flavors. Here I will walk through the example, this time for C++ in MFC using Visual Studio .NET.


Use the wizard to start a new MFC project. Make it a dialog application. Add a button to the dialog and then generate an event handler for when the button is pressed.


Assume a network as illustrated in figure 1, with three inputs, four hidden layer neurons, and one output. In this case, add these lines to the header file YourAppNameDlg.h, as public variables and functions:



     CString str;


     //// Data dependent settings ////

     #define numInputs  3

     #define numPatterns  4

     #define numOutputs 1



     //// User defineable settings ////

     #define numHidden 4

     const int numEpochs;

     const double LR_IH;

     const double LR_HO;



     //// functions ////

     void initWeights();

     void initData();

     void calcNet();

     void WeightChangesHO();

     void WeightChangesIH();

     void calcOverallError();

     void displayResults();

     double getRand();



     //// variables ////

     int patNum;

     double errThisPat[numOutputs];

     double outPred[numOutputs];

     double RMSerror[numOutputs];


     // the outputs of the hidden neurons

     double hiddenVal[numHidden];


     // the weights

     double weightsIH[numInputs][numHidden];

     double weightsHO[numHidden][numOutputs];


     // the data

     float trainInputs[numPatterns][numInputs];

     float trainOutput[numPatterns][numOutputs];


Now, in YourAppNameDlg.cpp, you need to alter the constructor so that a few variables are initialized.


Cnn2dualoutputDlg::Cnn2dualoutputDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)

     : CDialog(Cnn2dualoutputDlg::IDD, pParent),numEpochs(500),LR_IH(0.7),LR_HO(0.07)



And add these functions:


void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()


     //// variables ////

     patNum = 0;

     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          errThisPat[m] = 0.0;

          outPred[m] = 0.0;

          RMSerror[m] = 0.0;



     // seed random number function

     srand ( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );


     // initiate the weights



     // load in the data



     // train the network

     for(int j = 0;j <= numEpochs;j++) {

          for(int i = 0;i<numPatterns;i++) {

              //select a pattern at random

              patNum = rand()%numPatterns;


              //calculate the current network output

              //and error for this pattern



              //change network weights





          //display the overall network error

          //after each epoch



          //printf("epoch = %d RMS Error = %f\n",j,RMSerror);

          if (j%100==0) {

              str.Format("epoch = %d RMS Error = %f,%f\n",j,RMSerror[0],RMSerror[1]);





     //training has finished

     //display the results






void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::calcNet(void)


     //calculate the outputs of the hidden neurons

     //the hidden neurons are tanh

     int i = 0;

     for(i = 0;i<numHidden;i++) {

          hiddenVal[i] = 0.0;

          for(int j = 0;j<numInputs;j++) {

              hiddenVal[i] = hiddenVal[i] + (trainInputs[patNum][j] * weightsIH[j][i]);


          hiddenVal[i] = tanh(hiddenVal[i]);    // threshold is around 0



     //calculate the output of the network

     //the output neurons are linear

     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          outPred[m] = 0.0;


          for(i = 0;i<numHidden;i++) {

              outPred[m] = outPred[m] + (hiddenVal[i] * weightsHO[i][m]);


          //calculate the error

          errThisPat[m] = outPred[m] - trainOutput[patNum][m];






//adjust the weights hidden-output

void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::WeightChangesHO(void)


     double weightChange;


     for(int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          for(int k=0;k<numHidden;k++)


              weightChange = LR_HO * errThisPat[m] * hiddenVal[k];

              weightsHO[k][m] = weightsHO[k][m] - weightChange;


              //normalization on the output weights

              if (weightsHO[k][m] < -5) weightsHO[k][m] = -5;

              else if (weightsHO[k][m] > 5) weightsHO[k][m] = 5;







// adjust the weights input-hidden

void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::WeightChangesIH(void)


     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          for(int i = 0;i<numHidden;i++) {

              for(int k = 0;k<numInputs;k++) {

                   //double x = 1 - abs(hiddenVal[i]);                  // works just as well

                   //double x = 1 - (hiddenVal[i] * hiddenVal[i]); // original

                   double x = 1 - (hiddenVal[i] * hiddenVal[i]);

                   //x = x * weightsHO[i] * errThisPat * LR_IH;

                   x = x * weightsHO[i][m] * errThisPat[m] * LR_IH;

                   x = x * trainInputs[patNum][k];

                   double weightChange = x;

                   weightsIH[k][i] = weightsIH[k][i] - weightChange;







double Cnn2dualoutputDlg::getRand(void)


     return ((double)rand())/(double)RAND_MAX;




void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::initWeights(void)


     for(int j=0;j<numHidden;j++) {

          for(int i=0;i<numInputs;i++) weightsIH[i][j] = (getRand() - 0.5)/5;

          for(int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++)     weightsHO[j][m] = (getRand() - 0.5)/4;//2;






void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::initData(void)


     AfxMessageBox("initializing data");


     // the data here is the XOR data

     // it has been rescaled to the range

     // [-1][1]

     // an extra input valued 1 is also added

     // to act as the bias

     // the output must lie in the range -1 to 1


     trainInputs[0][0]  = 1;

     trainInputs[0][1]  = -1;

     trainInputs[0][2]  = 1;    //bias




     trainInputs[1][0]  = -1;

     trainInputs[1][1]  = 1;

     trainInputs[1][2]  = 1;       //bias




     trainInputs[2][0]  = 1;

     trainInputs[2][1]  = 1;

     trainInputs[2][2]  = 1;        //bias




     trainInputs[3][0]  = -1;

     trainInputs[3][1]  = -1;

     trainInputs[3][2]  = 1;     //bias








void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::displayResults(void)


     CString str2;

     for(int i = 0;i<numPatterns;i++) {

          patNum = i;


          str2.Format("pat = %d actual = %.1f,%.1f neural model = %f,%f\n",patNum+1,trainOutput[patNum][0],trainOutput[patNum][1],outPred[0],outPred[1]);







void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::calcOverallError(void)


     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          RMSerror[m] = 0.0;

          for(int i=0;i<numPatterns;i++) {

              patNum = i;


              RMSerror[m] = RMSerror[m] + (errThisPat[m] * errThisPat[m]);


          RMSerror[m] = RMSerror[m]/numPatterns;

          RMSerror[m] = sqrt(RMSerror[m]);




A modification to include multiple outputs



     CString str;


     //// Data dependent settings ////

     #define numInputs  3

     #define numPatterns  4

     #define numOutputs 2



     //// User defineable settings ////

     #define numHidden 4

     const int numEpochs;

     const double LR_IH;

     const double LR_HO;



     //// functions ////

     void initWeights();

     void initData();

     void calcNet();

     void WeightChangesHO();

     void WeightChangesIH();

     void calcOverallError();

     void displayResults();

     double getRand();



     //// variables ////

     int patNum;

     double errThisPat[numOutputs];

     double outPred[numOutputs];

     double RMSerror[numOutputs];


     // the outputs of the hidden neurons

     double hiddenVal[numHidden];


     // the weights

     double weightsIH[numInputs][numHidden];

     double weightsHO[numHidden][numOutputs];


     // the data

     float trainInputs[numPatterns][numInputs];

     float trainOutput[numPatterns][numOutputs];



Now, in YourAppNameDlg.cpp, you need to alter the constructor so that a few variables are initialized.


Cnn2dualoutputDlg::Cnn2dualoutputDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)

     : CDialog(Cnn2dualoutputDlg::IDD, pParent),numEpochs(500),LR_IH(0.7),LR_HO(0.07)



And add these functions:


void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()


     //// variables ////

     patNum = 0;

     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          errThisPat[m] = 0.0;

          outPred[m] = 0.0;

          RMSerror[m] = 0.0;



     // seed random number function

     srand ( (unsigned int)time(NULL) );


     // initiate the weights



     // load in the data



     // train the network

     for(int j = 0;j <= numEpochs;j++) {

          for(int i = 0;i<numPatterns;i++) {

              //select a pattern at random

              patNum = rand()%numPatterns;


              //calculate the current network output

              //and error for this pattern



              //change network weights





          //display the overall network error

          //after each epoch



          //printf("epoch = %d RMS Error = %f\n",j,RMSerror);

          if (j%100==0) {

              str.Format("epoch = %d RMS Error = %f,%f\n",j,RMSerror[0],RMSerror[1]);





     //training has finished

     //display the results






void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::calcNet(void)


     //calculate the outputs of the hidden neurons

     //the hidden neurons are tanh

     int i = 0;

     for(i = 0;i<numHidden;i++) {

          hiddenVal[i] = 0.0;

          for(int j = 0;j<numInputs;j++) {

              hiddenVal[i] = hiddenVal[i] + (trainInputs[patNum][j] * weightsIH[j][i]);


          hiddenVal[i] = tanh(hiddenVal[i]);    // threshold is around 0



     //calculate the output of the network

     //the output neurons are linear

     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          outPred[m] = 0.0;


          for(i = 0;i<numHidden;i++) {

              outPred[m] = outPred[m] + (hiddenVal[i] * weightsHO[i][m]);


          //calculate the error

          errThisPat[m] = outPred[m] - trainOutput[patNum][m];






//adjust the weights hidden-output

void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::WeightChangesHO(void)


     double weightChange;


     for(int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          for(int k=0;k<numHidden;k++)


              weightChange = LR_HO * errThisPat[m] * hiddenVal[k];

              weightsHO[k][m] = weightsHO[k][m] - weightChange;


              //normalization on the output weights

              if (weightsHO[k][m] < -5) weightsHO[k][m] = -5;

              else if (weightsHO[k][m] > 5) weightsHO[k][m] = 5;







// adjust the weights input-hidden

void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::WeightChangesIH(void)


     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          for(int i = 0;i<numHidden;i++) {

              for(int k = 0;k<numInputs;k++) {

                   //double x = 1 - abs(hiddenVal[i]);                  // works just as well

                   //double x = 1 - (hiddenVal[i] * hiddenVal[i]); // original

                   double x = 1 - (hiddenVal[i] * hiddenVal[i]);

                   //x = x * weightsHO[i] * errThisPat * LR_IH;

                   x = x * weightsHO[i][m] * errThisPat[m] * LR_IH;

                   x = x * trainInputs[patNum][k];

                   double weightChange = x;

                   weightsIH[k][i] = weightsIH[k][i] - weightChange;







double Cnn2dualoutputDlg::getRand(void)


     return ((double)rand())/(double)RAND_MAX;




void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::initWeights(void)


     for(int j=0;j<numHidden;j++) {

          for(int i=0;i<numInputs;i++) weightsIH[i][j] = (getRand() - 0.5)/5;

          for(int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++)     weightsHO[j][m] = (getRand() - 0.5)/4;//2;






void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::initData(void)


     AfxMessageBox("initializing data");


     // the data here is the XOR data

     // it has been rescaled to the range

     // [-1][1]

     // an extra input valued 1 is also added

     // to act as the bias

     // the output must lie in the range -1 to 1


     trainInputs[0][0]  = 1;

     trainInputs[0][1]  = -1;

     trainInputs[0][2]  = 1;    //bias




     trainInputs[1][0]  = -1;

     trainInputs[1][1]  = 1;

     trainInputs[1][2]  = 1;       //bias




     trainInputs[2][0]  = 1;

     trainInputs[2][1]  = 1;

     trainInputs[2][2]  = 1;        //bias




     trainInputs[3][0]  = -1;

     trainInputs[3][1]  = -1;

     trainInputs[3][2]  = 1;     //bias








void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::displayResults(void)


     CString str2;

     for(int i = 0;i<numPatterns;i++) {

          patNum = i;


          str2.Format("pat = %d actual = %.1f,%.1f neural model = %f,%f\n",patNum+1,trainOutput[patNum][0],trainOutput[patNum][1],outPred[0],outPred[1]);







void Cnn2dualoutputDlg::calcOverallError(void)


     for (int m=0;m<numOutputs;m++) {

          RMSerror[m] = 0.0;

          for(int i=0;i<numPatterns;i++) {

              patNum = i;


              RMSerror[m] = RMSerror[m] + (errThisPat[m] * errThisPat[m]);


          RMSerror[m] = RMSerror[m]/numPatterns;

          RMSerror[m] = sqrt(RMSerror[m]);







Acknowledgements and References

The derivation of the backpropagation update rule presented here closely follows that of Phil Brierley. Furthermore, the source code in the examples derives from the source code of Brierley and dspink.

Brierley P, (1998) Appendix A in "Some Practical Applications of Neural Networks in the Electricity Industry" Eng.D. Thesis, Cranfield University, UK.

Brierley P, Batty B, (1999) "Data mining with neural networks - an applied example in understanding electricity consumption patterns" in "Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining" (ed Max Bramer), chapter 12, INSPEC/IEE, ISBN 0852967675.